Friday, October 24, 2008

A busy week

Well as if my life were not busy enough next week is going to be insane. Tomorrow, Saturday October 25, Suffolk will host our home speech and debate tournament of the fall. Monday night provides a second to last chance for fellow Suffolk University Republicans to get out to the phone bank for John McCain to try getting some last undecided voters in for the election. Tuesday has the Great Debate between the College Democrats and Republicans, who I will represent. The last Program Council Movie night will also be on Tuesday. Wednesday holds 3 different events for the students to choose from. First, the NRA president will be visiting Suffolk University for a discussion on the 2nd amendment. Second, the annual Rainbow alliance drag show. Third, Program councils trip to spooky world. Thursday is the sophomore boat cruise. Friday I will be leaving for Saint Anselm College for a Debate tournament there. I will return late next Saturday for more than desire sleep. All this after a week of absurdly difficult week of Midterms. WOO HOO

Friday, October 17, 2008

This week has been full of business trying to make up for the Columbus Day holiday that took away our Monday, well worth it I might add. On Wednesday we had the double header soccer match first the girls then the boys over in Somerville. Retention services brought free pizza and soda and cosponsored a shuttle bus to the field to have more people come to watch the game. Tomorrow we have the student to student information session which should be fun. Mid terms are coming for almost all of my classes next week so this weekend unfortunately will be mostly dedicated to studies, awesome.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Was it worth it?

The only Vice Presidential Debate of the season aired last night attracting the largest viewer ship of the fall season. Jon Stuart commented that everybody watched not for the good of learning about the candidates but with the hope of “watching Palin implode.” Fortunately for Mrs. Palin she did far better than expected by the American people. That sentiment was resounded around the Suffolk University Campus the next day, at least from what I have heard. Not a whole lot of people are saying that she won but there is a large group on people thinking she could have done worse. I also have to say how impressed I am with the amount of interest coming from a younger community of voters. The 10 West residents piled into the 5th floor conference room by the masses to watch the debate and catch a laugh. I don’t think they were too disappointed by either Palin or Biden’s performance.