Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Busy. Busy, Busy

The Boston winter has not given up its cold push by any means. With wind chills as low as 6 degrees last week the cold seems to be here to stay. The good new, at least no one wants to be outside so they can stay in and study. Yeah like that’s going to happen. The campus has been as busy as always. Last weekend the C Walsh Theater hosted reefer madness and attracted huge crowds for the amazing performance. The Student Government Elections are coming up so of course all the candidates are campaigning in every way possible from free candy to Facebook. Last Friday the Undergraduate Admissions Office hosted a reception for the some of the Accepted Students. The Office of Retention Services held its monthly Suffolk Spirit Night last Tuesday for Men’s basketball. There is never a moment that there is nothing to do here, trust me.

1 comment:

Emily Paige said...

Dear TJ,
today is May 1st... perhaps time to write a new blog?? I am curious as to what is going on in your life... and I hardly ever see you so I have resorted to reading your blog and yet there is no update here either! I am disappointed and heart broken.